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Breaking News Ulla Schmidt Elected Vice President Of The German Parliament

Breaking News: Ulla Schmidt Elected Vice President of the German Parliament

Second Woman to Hold the Position in History

Long-Serving Health Minister Now in New Leadership Role

On October 22, 2013, Ulla Schmidt of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) was elected Vice President of the German Bundestag. This marks a significant milestone, as Schmidt is only the second woman to hold this position in the history of the German parliament.

Former Health Minister with a Decade of Experience

Before her election, Schmidt served as the German Federal Minister of Health from 2001 to 2009. During her tenure, she played a pivotal role in reforming the healthcare system and expanding access to healthcare for all citizens. Schmidt's experience in this field is expected to be an asset in her new leadership role.

Schmidt's election is also seen as a sign of progress for women in politics. Her appointment as Vice President sends a message that women are capable of holding high-ranking positions and making meaningful contributions to society.

A Lasting Impression:

Ulla Schmidt's election as Vice President of the Bundestag is a testament to her leadership abilities and commitment to serving the German people. Her unwavering dedication to public service and her passion for improving the lives of others will undoubtedly continue to shape her work in this new role.
